Buid Your Store - Clone Project

Jan 4, 2024

Hi Folks!, this was my latest website cloning project in Framer

This was the website i've developed with my clients from US, he was looking for a similiar looking websites from buildyourstore.ai, so he decided to hire me to make the site. About the process, as usual i was using Figma and Framer as my main design tools, even though the design is similar, but i've always implementing auto layout first in Figma, in order to make things more organized and more easier to make a responsive version of the site. If you're wondering about the site, check out this link below :

Build Your Store - Framer Clone Project : https://buildyourstore.framer.ai/

Get In Touch ✨

Website : https://davemf.framer.website/

Tools Used : Figma

Dribbble : https://dribbble.com/DaveMF

Behance : https://www.behance.net/davemaulanaf

Email : davemaulanaferros@gmail.com

fiverr page : https://www.fiverr.com/cloudy17


© Copyright - Dave Maulana Ferros - 2023


© Copyright - Dave Maulana Ferros - 2023


© Copyright - Dave Maulana Ferros - 2023